Category Construction Update   Show all

  • 08/15/2023 - Construction Update

    Upcoming Work between 08/21/2023 through 08/25/2023:

    - Permanent striping of the roadway with the final intersection channelization

    - Sealing of the concrete panels in front of Heritage Bank on Wood Ave

    *This work will be done with Uniformed Police Officers and Flaggers*

  • 08/03/2023 - Construction Update

    *Intersection opens on Friday, 08/04/2023*

    Work Completed between 07/27/23 and 08/02/23:


    • Joint sealed the stamped concrete panels
    • Main St and Wood Ave were paved
    • Signal was restrung across the intersection


    • Sidewalks were finished
    • Temporary asphalt was placed where the new signal poles will be installed at the northwest and southeast corners of the intersection
      • Concrete sidewalk will be placed when the poles are installed
    • Bollards were installed at the corners of the intersection
    • Asphalt was placed in front of Dairy Freeze and the Bike Shop

    07/27/2023 - Paving of Main St in front of Napa and the Day and Night Grocery Store.

    08/01/2023 - Coring for placement of bollards in front of the Dairy Freeze.

    Upcoming Work between 08/03/23 and 08/04/23:


    • Final clean up
    • Temporary striping of parking stalls and roadway
      • Final striping will take place after 21 days of the asphalt being in place

    *Project will be suspended until end of August when additional work can be completed under traffic control*

  • 07/27/2023 - Construction Update

    *Intersection is currently fully closed*

    *Parking is maintained along Main St, and parking lot access is still available to Heritage Bank and the Day and Night Grocery*

    Work Completed between 07/20/23 to 07/26/23:


    • Center of the intersection has been completed with the stamped, colored concrete
    • Intersection approaches have been poured
    • Grading is complete along Main St and Wood Ave

    Dry Utilities:

    • Communication lines have been pulled underground through the Joint Utility Trench, with splicing occurring at a later date

    07/19/23 - Placement of welded mesh wire and dowels within the pour area of the center of the intersection.

    07/20/23 - Red colored concrete prior to stamping, at the southwest corner in front of NAPA.

    Work in Progress between 07/27/23 to 08/02/23:


    • Temporary pave northwest and southeast corners within the sidewalk where the existing signal poles are located
    • Pave legs of Main St and Wood Ave
    • Signal will be restrung across the intersection


    • Final sidewalk panels will be poured

    Upcoming Work between 08/03/23 and 08/04/23:


    • Temporary striping will be placed
    • Temporary intersection lighting will be installed


    • Bollards will be installed at corners of the intersection within the sidewalk
  • 07/20/2023 - Construction Update

    *Intersection is currently full closed*

    *Parking is maintained along Main St, and parking lot access is still available to Heritage Bank and the Day and Night Grocery*

    Work Completed between 07/13/23 to 07/19/23:


    • Poured two large sections of the intersection with the stamped colored concrete
    • Demolition of intersection legs
    • Graded south leg of Wood Ave

    Dry Utilities:

    • PSE relocated their overhead power to the Joint Utility Trench
    • PSE removed one of the existing poles at the northwest corner of the intersection, near the Day and Night Grocery

    07/17/23 - Demolition of the western leg of Main St

    07/18/23 - Stamping of the red colored concrete

    Work in Progress between 07/20/23 to 07/26/23:


    • Finalizing the paving of the stamped colored concrete in the center of the intersection
    • Pouring the intersection approaches with gray concrete
    • Final grading of the north leg of Wood Ave
    • Final grading of the east leg of Main St

    Upcoming Work between 07/27/23 to 08/02/23:


    • Paving Main St and Wood Ave
  • 07/13/2023 - Construction Update

    *Intersection is currently fully closed, and will last for approximately 4 weeks*

    *Parking is maintained along Main St, and parking lot access is still available to Heritage Bank and the Day and Night Grocery from both Main St and Wood Ave*

    Work Completed between 07/05/23 to 07/12/23:


    • Removed signal from spanning the intersection
    • Demolition of the intersection
    • Start of demolition and grading of the intersection legs

    Sidewalks, Curb, and Gutter:

    • Removed walkways in front of the Dairy Freeze and Bike Shop
    • Finished pouring sidewalks in front of Napa, Heritage Bank, and the Dairy Freeze

    Dry Utilities:

    • PSE installed two new utility poles and made connections
    • Finalization of the JUT

    07/10/23 - PSE placing a new pole near the alley along Wood Ave, just north of the Day and Night Grocery

    07/10/23 - Placement of base course that will be underneath the intersection

    Work in Progress between 07/13/23 and 07/19/23:


    • Forming of intersection to prepare for the concrete pour
    • Pouring stamped colored concrete in the center of the intersection
    • Continuing to demo and grade intersection legs

    Dry Utilities:

    • PSE to relocate the overhead power that spans over the intersection into the JUT

    Upcoming Work between 07/20/23 to 07/26/23:


    • Continuing to pour the center of the intersection
    • Prepare the intersection legs for paving
    • Prepare areas in front of the Dairy Freeze and the Bike Shop for paving
  • 07/06/2023 - Construction Update

    *Intersection is currently fully closed, and will last for approximately 4 weeks*

    Work Completed between 06/29/23 and 07/05/23:


    • Installation of temporary parking along Main St for business access
    • Start of intersection demolition

    06/28/23: Finishing of newly constructed ADA curb ramp at the northeast corner of Main St and Wood Ave.

    06/29/23: Forming of curb along the south side of Main St in front of the Dairy Freeze.

    Work in Progress between 07/06/23 and 07/12/23:

    Sidewalks, Curb, and Gutter:

    • Finish forming and pouring of curb and gutter
    • Finish sidewalk pours


    • Complete demolition of intersection
    • Grade intersection
    • Start form and pour of intersection

    Wood Ave and Main St Approaches:

    • Demolition of south leg of Wood Ave

    Upcoming Work between 07/13/23 and 07/19/23:


    • Continuing to form and pour the intersection

    Wood Ave and Main St Approaches:

    • Grade south leg of Wood Ave
    • Demo and grade west leg of Main St
  • 06/29/2023 - Construction Update

    *Intersection will be fully closed for approximately 4 weeks, starting on the morning of Wednesday July 5th*

    *There will be no work on Tuesday July 4th*

    Work Completed between 06/22/23 and 06/28/23:

    Sidewalks, Curb, and Gutter:

    • Forming and pouring of curb and gutter
    • Pouring of sidewalks

    06/26/23 - Forming of curb on the north side of Main St in front of the Day and Night Grocery.

    06/27/23 - Freshly poured curb on the south side of Main St in front of NAPA Auto Parts.

    Work In Progress between 06/29/23 and 07/05/23:

    Sidewalks, Curb, and Gutter:

    • Finishing forming and pouring of curb and gutter
    • Finishing sidewalk pours


    • Installation of temporary parking
    • Demolition of the center of the intersection

    Upcoming Work Between 07/06/23 and 07/12/23:


    • Excavation and grading of the intersection
    • Pouring of the intersection
    • Start demolition of sections of Main St and Wood Ave
    • Start grading sections of Main St and Wood Ave
  • 06/22/2023 - Construction Update

    * Intersection full closure (24/7) will start the morning of Wednesday July 5th and is anticipated to last until the beginning of August *

    * Businesses will remain open and parking will be maintained along Main St for access to businesses at the intersection *

    Work Completed between 06/15/23 and 06/21/23:

    Dry Utilities:

    • Finalized JUT
    • Pouring of signal bases for new signal poles at each corner of the intersection

    Concrete Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalks:

    • Demolition of existing sidewalks, curb, and parking
    • Staking of sidewalk and curb locations

    06/16/23 - Pouring of concrete for new signal base at the southwest corner of the intersection, in front of NAPA.

    06/19/23 - Making signal connections to new signal foundation at the southwest corner of the intersection, in front of NAPA.

    Work in Progress 06/22/23 to 06/28/23:

    Dry Utilities:

    • Temporary Signal Pole installation
    • Finalize signal connections

    Concrete Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalks:

    • Pour of sidewalks, curb, and gutter

    Upcoming Work between 06/29/23 to 07/05/23:

    Concrete Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalks:

    • Finish pouring of sidewalks, curb, and gutter

    * There will be no work on Tuesday July 4th – Fourth of July Holiday *

  • 06/15/2023 - Construction Update

    Work Completed between 06/08/23 and 06/14/23:


    • Finalized all connections

    Dry Utilities:

    • Continued work on the Joint Utility Trench (JUT) and signal connections

    Concrete Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalks:

    • Demolition and grading in preparation of pouring of sidewalks

    06/12/23 - Mayor Kathy Hayden on site holding conduit for the Joint Utility Trench (JUT).

    06/13/23 - Front of the Dairy Freeze after the asphalt was removed to prepare for the construction of new sidewalks.

    Work in Progress this Week between 06/15/23 and 06/21/23:

    Dry Utilities:

    • Finalize JUT and signal connections
    • Installation of temporary signal pole to allow for space for the new signal base
    • Pouring bases for new signal poles

    Concrete Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalks:

    • Finalize demolition of sidewalks
    • Staking of sidewalk locations
    • Pouring of sidewalks

    Upcoming Work between 06/22/23 and 06/28/23:

    Concrete Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalks:

    • Continuation of sidewalk pouring
  • 06/08/2023 - Construction Update

    Work Completed between 06/01/23 and 06/07/23:


    • Completed water tie ins to businesses

    Dry Utilities:

    • Started the Joint Utility Trench (JUT) with excavation and placement of conduit for communication lines and power lines

    06/05/23 - Start of the JUT in front of the Day and Night parking lot.

    06/05/23 - Placement of the conduit that will hold the power and communication lines that currently run across Main St along the west side of Wood Ave.

    Work in Progress this Week between 06/08/23 and 06/14/23:


    • Finishing up connections to businesses

    Dry Utilities:

    • Finalization of the JUT and installation of the signal connections underground
    • Pour signal bases for new signal poles that will be installed later on during the project

    Concrete Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalks:

    • Demolition of existing sidewalks for grading and preparation of new sidewalks

    Upcoming Work between 06/15/23 and 06/21/23:

    Dry Utilities:

    • Finalize the installation of the signal connections

    Concrete Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalks:

    • Finalize the demolition and grading in preparation of the pouring of sidewalks
    • Pouring sidewalks, curb, and gutter (this will be completed as daytime work under traffic control)

    Full intersection closure is expected to begin on Wednesday, July 5th.