06/22/2023 - Construction Update
* Intersection full closure (24/7) will start the morning of Wednesday July 5th and is anticipated to last until the beginning of August *
* Businesses will remain open and parking will be maintained along Main St for access to businesses at the intersection *
Work Completed between 06/15/23 and 06/21/23:
Dry Utilities:
- Finalized JUT
- Pouring of signal bases for new signal poles at each corner of the intersection
Concrete Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalks:
- Demolition of existing sidewalks, curb, and parking
- Staking of sidewalk and curb locations
06/16/23 - Pouring of concrete for new signal base at the southwest corner of the intersection, in front of NAPA.
06/19/23 - Making signal connections to new signal foundation at the southwest corner of the intersection, in front of NAPA.
Work in Progress 06/22/23 to 06/28/23:
Dry Utilities:
- Temporary Signal Pole installation
- Finalize signal connections
Concrete Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalks:
- Pour of sidewalks, curb, and gutter
Upcoming Work between 06/29/23 to 07/05/23:
Concrete Curb, Gutter, and Sidewalks:
- Finish pouring of sidewalks, curb, and gutter
* There will be no work on Tuesday July 4th – Fourth of July Holiday *