Heritage Park & Hops Alley
The north point of Reuben A. Knoblauch Heritage Park and Hops Alley are getting updated in 2025! Construction is beginning the week after the Daffodil Parade and is expected to wrap up by the end of 2025. Improvements you’ll see after construction include inviting signage for Heritage Park and Hops Alley, improved seating and gathering space for daily use by the community as well as our popular events, pedestrian and site scaled lighting, additional ADA parking, pedestrian access, garbage collection organized in a new enclosure, landscaping, and enhancements to support flexible event space.
The concepts originated in 2020-2021 withContinue reading
The north point of Reuben A. Knoblauch Heritage Park and Hops Alley are getting updated in 2025! Construction is beginning the week after the Daffodil Parade and is expected to wrap up by the end of 2025. Improvements you’ll see after construction include inviting signage for Heritage Park and Hops Alley, improved seating and gathering space for daily use by the community as well as our popular events, pedestrian and site scaled lighting, additional ADA parking, pedestrian access, garbage collection organized in a new enclosure, landscaping, and enhancements to support flexible event space.
The concepts originated in 2020-2021 with the Main Street Visioning Plan, which you can still visit in the "Important Links'" section on the right hand side of this page. That plan also identified rebuilding the roads around Heritage Park as plaza-level woonerfs, which was completed in 2023 as part of the Town Center Utility Woonerf project. The plan prioritized purchasing the last privately held portion of the block at 902 Kincaid, which the City completed in 2022.
In 2022-2023, JETT Landscape Architecture + Design worked with the community and staff to re-imagine Reuben Knoblauch Heritage Park as a more active, useful heart of the city, for special events and everyday use. This work also identified improvements for the adjacent alley, naming it Hops Alley, to serve as a flexible event space and for a more accessible and inviting parking area for its day use.
In 2024, JETT continued that design for both the alley and park to prepare for future construction. That design phase was funded with a grant from Pierce County Lodging Tax.
The City of Sumner was recommended to receive funding from Pierce County Lodging Tax to construct the north point of Heritage Park and Hops Alley. Additional funding includes Sound Transit Sumner LTAC, and other local funds.
The City of Sumner applied for and was given a Conditional Use Permit (CUP-2024-0005) for the phased redevelopment of the Reuben A. Knoblauch Heritage Park block. The associated files are also available in the documents section under CUP-2024-0005 folder.
To get updates on this project make sure to subscribe at the bottom right column of this page.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. Heritage Park is the heart of our community, and we would like your help to design a space that meets the needs and values of the community. Keep in mind this survey asks you questions about how to reimagine what has been known as Heritage Park along with the addition of our recent purchase of 902 Kincaid, the former “post office” building on the same block. The survey also asks questions about the alley that connects Kincaid to Alder Avenues just south of Main St.
If you would like to receive updates on this project please subscribe on the bottom right of the main project page.
CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
The first phase of the Heritage Park Master Plan & Alley Activation project engaged the community to collect ideas and preferences regarding what is currently loved and well used in the vicinity of the project as well as what problems and concerns may exist regarding the project. The preferences for events and programming, amenities, character and aesthetic, wayfinding and storytelling have led to two alternatives for Heritage Park. Please take a few minutes to get familiar with each alternative in the "Documents" section of the main page before taking this survey.
Master Plan (83.3 MB) (zip)
Heritage & Hops Alley - phase 2 (2025 construction) draft illustrations
CUP-2024-0005 Heritage Park
Heritage Park Approved CUP.pdf (117 KB) (pdf)
Heritage Park 50% Plans.pdf (17.8 MB) (pdf)
2024-07-23-Heritage Park-CUP Narrative-Version 1.0_v1.pdf (169 KB) (pdf)
Conditional-Use-Permit-Application 20240724 SIGNED_v1.pdf (271 KB) (pdf)
Design-Commission-Plan-Packet.pdf (5.23 MB) (pdf)
Heritage Park Event Building - 50% Design Development.pdf (32.3 MB) (pdf)
Sumner-Architecture-CUP Floor Plans_v1.pdf (944 KB) (pdf)
Sumner-Landscape-L1-00 - CUP SITE PLAN - INTERIM_v1.pdf (721 KB) (pdf)
Sumner-Landscape-L1-01 - CUP SITE PLAN_v1.pdf (2.59 MB) (pdf)
Heritage Park Concept Alternatives
1 All.pdf (75.1 KB) (pdf)
1 Concept Alternatives SxS.pdf (2.41 MB) (pdf)
2 Design Principles.pdf (3.11 MB) (pdf)
3 Promenade Plan Labels.pdf (6.02 MB) (pdf)
4 Promenade Info.pdf (1.13 MB) (pdf)
5 Promenade Plan.pdf (6.15 MB) (pdf)
6 Promenade Diagrams.pdf (443 KB) (pdf)
7 Plaza Plan Labels.pdf (10.2 MB) (pdf)
8 Plaza Info.pdf (1.17 MB) (pdf)
9 Plaza Plan.pdf (10.2 MB) (pdf)
10 Plaza Diagrams.pdf (487 KB) (pdf)
Early Concepts & Information
Alley_Concepts_11_07_22.pdf (3.71 MB) (pdf)
DRAFT Master Plan 08_2023.pdf (13.7 MB) (pdf)
Aerial View (715 KB) (pdf)
View from Main St (633 KB) (pdf)
Building Option A Looking SE (456 KB) (pdf)
Building Option A Looking South (365 KB) (pdf)
Building Option B Looking SE (387 KB) (pdf)
1_Park_Concept_Alternatives_Survey_Results_Web.pdf (318 KB) (pdf)
2023-01-17-Outreach Phase 2 Boards.pdf (47.7 MB) (pdf)
Survey_Responses_Report_2022_11_22_Detail.pdf (316 KB) (pdf)
Main_Street_Vision.pdf (54.1 MB) (pdf)
Revised Remedial Investigation Report (19.5 MB) (pdf)
Click here to play video Normal Day Use This fly through video shows a typical use of Heritage Park and activated alley.
Click here to play video Event Day Use This fly through video shows what a day time event could look like at Heritage Park and the activated alley.
Click here to play video Event Evening This fly through video shows what an evening event could look like at Heritage Park and the activated alley.
Project Kickoff
Heritage Park & Hops Alley has finished this stageOctober 25th, 2022 - Open House from 5-7pm, at City Hall, 1104 Maple Street, Sumner WA 98390
Public and Stakeholder Input
Heritage Park & Hops Alley has finished this stageThank you to those that completed the kickoff survey to provide input on the project. The survey went live at 5pm on October 25th and was closed November 18th.
Stakeholder conversations focused on engaging business owners and operators with interest in the evolution of the alleyways in the Town Center on November 7th, 2022 from 8:30AM to 10:00AM or 3:00PM to 4:30PM at the JMJ office located @ 905 Main St #200, Sumner WA. These meetings focused on the Alley south of Main St. between Kincaid & Alder.
Concepts and Vision
Heritage Park & Hops Alley has finished this stageThe results of the survey help guide concepts. This may include a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.
Open House
Heritage Park & Hops Alley has finished this stageThank you to those that completed the Park Concepts survey to provide input on the project. The survey closed January 29th.
An open house for conversations focused on engaging the community with interest in the evolution of the park concepts and alleyways in the Town Center was held on January 25th, 2023 at Electric Coffee House.
Spring Open House - April 25th at City Hall, 1104 Maple St, from 5-7pm
Heritage Park & Hops Alley has finished this stagePlease join us at the Open House to provide feedback on the current concept.
Hops Alley Outreach Meeting
Heritage Park & Hops Alley has finished this stageStaff met with business and property owners on October 17th to discuss potential impacts during construction of Hops Alley and the north point of Heritage Park. Construction will hopefully begin in early 2025 and wrap up by the end of the year. The City of Sumner will continue to navigate these impacts.
This phase of the project is made possible through the funding recommendation of Pierce County Lodging Tax.
2024 - Full Design
Heritage Park & Hops Alley has finished this stageTake 30% concept designs and finalize them, ready for construction. Funded by Pierce County Lodging Tax.
Fall 2024 Open House - October 22nd 5-7PM City Hall
Heritage Park & Hops Alley has finished this stagePlease join us at the Fall 2024 Open House to get updates on this project.
Heritage Park Outreach Meeting
Heritage Park & Hops Alley has finished this stageStaff met with business and property owners to discuss potential impacts during construction of Hops Alley and the north point of Heritage Park. Construction will begin in 2025 and wrap up by the end of the year. The City of Sumner will continue to navigate these impacts.
This phase of the project is made possible through the funding recommendation of Pierce County Lodging Tax, Sound Transit and other local funds.
Hops Alley & Heritage Park Phase 2 Construction
Heritage Park & Hops Alley is currently at this stageApril to December 2025
Who's Listening
Phone 253-299-5714 Email derekb@sumnerwa.gov -
Public Works Deputy Director – Engineering / City Engineer
Phone 253-299-5703 Email alisao@sumnerwa.gov -
Phone 253-299-5719 Email drewm@sumnerwa.gov