Town Center: Utility & Woonerf Project

Cherry Avenue and Kincaid Avenue Woonerfs surrounding Reuben A. Knoblauch Heritage Park

The City of Sumner adopted the Town Center Plan in 2018 allowing for redevelopment of properties in and adjacent to the historical Sumner downtown corridor. To provide public services in accordance with that plan the City seeks to upgrade road, sidewalk, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, and domestic water facilities within and adjacent to Alder Avenue and Kincaid Avenue between Main Street and Park Street.

In addition, the City of Sumner has secured grant funding for the delineation of a bike route between the Sumner Sound Transit Station and Wood Avenue. The project will involve the reconstruction of curbs, sidewalks, signage, street striping, and utilities to accommodate the bike lanes.

In 2021, the City of Sumner adopted the Main Street Visioning Plan. This plan captured the community's vision that eventally led to the inclusion of the woonerfs around Heritage Park (Cherry Avenue and Kincaid Avenue between Main St and Maple Street) in this project.

Project extents are shown below:

The City of Sumner adopted the Town Center Plan in 2018 allowing for redevelopment of properties in and adjacent to the historical Sumner downtown corridor. To provide public services in accordance with that plan the City seeks to upgrade road, sidewalk, storm drainage, sanitary sewer, and domestic water facilities within and adjacent to Alder Avenue and Kincaid Avenue between Main Street and Park Street.

In addition, the City of Sumner has secured grant funding for the delineation of a bike route between the Sumner Sound Transit Station and Wood Avenue. The project will involve the reconstruction of curbs, sidewalks, signage, street striping, and utilities to accommodate the bike lanes.

In 2021, the City of Sumner adopted the Main Street Visioning Plan. This plan captured the community's vision that eventally led to the inclusion of the woonerfs around Heritage Park (Cherry Avenue and Kincaid Avenue between Main St and Maple Street) in this project.

Project extents are shown below:


Please use this area to ask any questions about the project including upcoming impacts and schedule.

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  • The Downtown Driving Impact & Pedestrian Access Map - 06/07/23 update shows Park street as safely walkable with firm, stable slip resistant concrete or asphalt. On 6/8/23 Reed trucking with out any notice began ripping up the side walk that had already been poured because they forgot to run the water lines under the sidewalk. Two of the other lots on this block still have gravel not side walk. Please update your pedestrian map.

    Sophia asked over 1 year ago

    Thank you for providing this information. An updated map will be posted soon reflecting the sidewalks on Park Street.

  • The parking lot between Kincaid and Alder has been drastically changed. As a business that serves families in downtown, we have heard complaints that backing into those spots makes it impossible to get a stroller out of the back of the vehicle. Along with the danger of people constantly pulling into the parking lot going the wrong direction. Is this a permanent change? What are the benefits? Thank you

    Vibrant Life asked over 1 year ago

    Thank you for your comment and your patience with the temporary construction changes. This was only a temporary change that was necessary to keep this parking lot open during the current phase of construction on Main Street. You will be happy to hear that we are moving onto the next phase of construction on Main Street on Monday, which means that the parking lot between Kincaid and Alder will be returned to its traditional eastbound configuration on Tuesday morning.

  • When do you intent to complete the Kincaid street so that access from alley parkin lot can exit onto Kincaid?

    rai asked almost 2 years ago


    We are currently working with the contractor on the alley parking lot access on Kincaid and we hope this should be resolved this month. 

    Thank You for reaching out. 

  • How long is construction going to be?

    Paddeck pm asked about 2 years ago

    Paddeck, thank you for your question. Construction of the full project is currently forecasted to be complete in June of this year. However, this is subject to change if we get more snow or have a really rainy spring as much of the work is weather-dependent. 

  • Thank you for this information. I live on Alder Avenue between Park and Academy. When can we anticipate the construction to be completed on our street? Thanks!

    DM asked almost 2 years ago

    DM, thank you for your question and your patience with this project. The Contractor's schedule shows the work on Alder finishing up soon. However, the work at the intersection of Alder and Park may stretch out for a few more weeks until mid-March.

  • I live in an apartment on Kincaid Ave. I’ve been a resident for 12 years. I don’t recall any communication about this project to people that live in the impacted area. From what I can tell from these plans is that my parking will be all but eliminated and there’s a potential I lose water and sewer service for a period of time. What is available to mitigate these concerns?

    Calbert asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question, and I understand your concern. This project was featured in the City of Sumner's Summer 2021 Community Connection Newsletter, Winter 2022 Community Connection Newsletter and Spring 2022 Community Connection Newsletter. This newsletter is very informative and is mailed to every address in Sumner. In addition, the City hosts an Open House event twice a year. This project was featured at the Spring Open House in June. The Spring Open House was a hybrid event, so although we were there in person ready and willing to discuss the project with the community, this video was also created and posted to inform the community about the project.

    Regarding your concern about your parking being eliminated, it is true that some of the public parking stalls on Kincaid Avenue will be eliminated. However, the City worked with the designers and were able to keep 7 public parking stalls on Kincaid, including an ADA parking space - so the parking is not eliminated. During these 4 months of construction on Kincaid (August to November), parking will be temporarily eliminated on Kincaid Ave and partially eliminated in the City public parking lot south of the building your live in. However, when we complete the construction on Kincaid Avenue, you will again be able to use the free public parking close to your apartment. 

    Finally, regarding you concerns about water and sewer service, after reviewing the City's construction plans and existing utility plans - it appears that the building you reside in has water and sewer service from Main Street, not Kincaid Avenue, so your utilities should continue to function without interruption.

  • Hi, we live off of Kincaid, is there a timeline to when street parking will be no more? And how long is this project estimated?

    M. Anderson asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for your question. Without knowing where you live on Kincaid Avenue, it is hard for me to answer your question. I can tell you that if you live south of Park Street your parking should not be impacted by this project. 

    The Contractor is expected to begin work on Kincaid Avenue south of Maple Street in mid-September and work south with replacing the existing 4" and 6" diameter water lines with new 8" water lines and replacing water service connections and meters to the properties along Kincaid Avenue. The water replacement work on Kincaid Avenue between Maple Street and Park Street is expected to be complete in early November. This is the duration where on-street parking will be impacted.

    After construction, the parking on these two blocks will be restored to the pre-construction configuration, with the exception of the immediate vicinity of the intersections (Maple, Academy, Park) where curb bulbs will be constructed to create ADA-compliant pedestrian sidewalks and street crossings. The Contractor is expecting to complete the intersection work in January and February 2023.

    The Contractor will be notifying each property prior to any impacts. 

    The Contractor's Schedule shows the full project being complete in May 2023.

Page last updated: 15 Apr 2024, 07:50 AM