Category Contruction Update Show all
6/22/23 Construction Update
- Academy/Cherry
- Complete Pressure Test
- Cherry Avenue (Maple to Main)
- Continue pouring Sidewalk
- Continue pouring Roadway
- Continue pouring Curb
- Kincaid/Park
- Begin water service transfers
- Begin landscape and hydroseeding
- Kincaid
- Continue Irrigation install
06/15/2023: Pouring concrete sidewalk and ramps on SW corner of Main Street and Cherry Avenue intersection.
06/16/2023: Completed concrete sidewalk and ramp on SW corner of Main Street and Cherry Avenue intersection.
06/17/2023: Pouring and stamping concrete roadway on Cherry Avenue north of Maple Street.
WORK IN PROGRESS THIS WEEK (06/19/2023 - 06/23/2023)
- Main Street
- HMA base Lift
- Academy/Cherry
- Begin Storm system
- Complete Water Main Testing
- Begin Subgrade and place rock
- Cherry Avenue (Maple to Main)
- Complete pouring concrete sidewalk
- Complete pouring concrete roadway
- Complete pouring concrete curb
- Complete bollards
- Complete decorative strip
- Kincaid/Park
- Complete water service transfers
- Continue Landscaping
- Kincaid Avenue
- Continue water service transfers
- Continue Landscaping
- Main Street
- Complete landscaping
- Complete grind/overlay
- Grind scheduled for Monday 6/26
- Overlay scheduled for Friday 6/30
- Academy/Cherry
- Complete Storm System
- Complete water main tie in
- Complete curbs/sidewalks
- Complete HMA Base Lift
- Complete Landscaping
- Cherry Avenue (Maple to Main)
- Complete landscaping
- Kincaid/Park
- Complete grind & overlay
- Grind scheduled for Monday 6/26
- Overlay scheduled for Friday 6/30
- Complete sidewalks
- Complete landscaping
- Complete grind & overlay
- Install permanent striping and signage
- Academy/Cherry