2024-2030 Parks & Trails Plan
Thank you for your interest in our Parks & Trails Plan update. The City of Sumner updated this plan though your input and participation. The 2024 - 2030 Parks & Trails Plan Update was adopted in May of 2024.
City of Sumner
Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the map and pins. On the left of this message you can select the circle with the "+" symbol to drag and drop the pin on the location you'd like to make a comment on. We have limited the location to the urban growth area of Sumner (red outline). Park facilities are outlined in green (current & future) and trails/bike lanes are purple lines.
Options include:
Why I like this park
Why I like this trail
What this park is missing
What this trail is missing
A new park should go here
A new trail should go here