Rumors & Questions
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Check this page for updates on rumors, chatter heard about town to get the facts and real scoop straight from the source.
What question do you have? Have you heard a rumor that you want to check? Let us know! Scroll down to see information on other questions/rumors we've received.
Full DIsclosure: Questions asked by "City of Sumner" are ones we're receiving a lot of in other forums (email, phone calls) so have added ourselves.
What’s going on with the street trees along Main Street? I read that the city is estimated to spend between $20,000 and $27,000 on square planter boxes to house future trees. Most people, including arborists, recommend planting trees directly in the ground for better growth and lower maintenance. Why is the city opting for an expensive less desirable street tree on Main that will require constant watering by city staff in the summer, will result in stunted trees, and will provide less shade?
BM asked 14 days agoDifferent circumstances need different things, and this is a situation where one size does not fit all. If you were planting these trees in a forest or in a park, then, yes, it likely would be better to plant directly into the ground. Main Street is a different situation where the tree is in a crowded space that must accommodate pedestrians, ADA access and commerce happening around it. One of the key reasons we’re choosing to use a planter is that when these trees get too big for the space, we have the option to easily move them elsewhere rather than dig up our sidewalks again. The planters also greatly reduce tripping hazards for people’s safety, which is our priority.
Want to view the Ryan House Deed.
Bill P asked about 1 month agoSure! It's been on the Ryan House project page for a few years now. Visit and look at the Document Library on the right-hand side of the page. There's a lot of documents there, and I promise you, the deed is included.
How may I view comments submitted to the City Council via email (in lieu of an in-person presentation)? I am unable to locate a link to those records/documents. Thank you.
DragonFlyBy asked 3 months agoSure! Any comments submitted to the clerk by email or as a hard copy at the meeting are attached to the minutes of that meeting. So, for example, in the screenshot below, this email received for the December 2 meeting appears after the minutes for that meeting. To find those, go to and select the meeting date. To access past meetings, scroll up. This is a style feature from our vendor that we can't change. It's great...once you realize it. Then, after selecting the correct meeting, click on Minutes (highlighted in this screenshot). The minutes are posted for a meeting after they're approved by the Council at the next regular council meeting. So, these minutes for December 2nd went online after they were approved at the December 9th special meeting. Typically, they will appear after two weeks as the Council's regular meetings are usually the first and third Mondays of the month. This is a bit beyond your specific question, but it's worth clarifying that this is how the public sees the record of these comments. Councilmembers receive them before the meeting (if by email) or at the meeting (if submitted in print at the meeting).
Are there any plans to improve the safety at the intersection of Parker & Main streets? There have been several injury accidents lately with another one early this morning. Maybe a 4 way stop vs a traffic light?
Pattimckee asked 3 months agoMultiple aspects affect the safety of our roads. One part is indeed engineering. We received a Federal grant to study several intersections along Main Street, including at Parker Road, for potential changes. We'll be conducting that study this year. We also have a Traffic Safety Team that meets routinely with staff from Public Works, Police and other departments to review and assess ways to improve road safety throughout our city.
Unfortunately, engineering only gets us so far. We also get complaints of drivers blowing through two-way, four-way and even signaled intersections. The collision at Parker & Main early this morning involved a driver under the influence. That's why another safety component is enforcement. No amount of signs or lights can overcome drivers' poor decisions involving speed, distractions, DUI, or even aggression. Our police department uses education and enforcement to try to reduce those behaviors as much as possible, but unfortunately, it's not within our power to eliminate them.
Why does the City of Sumner allow cars/trucks to park overnight and in some cases long-term facing the wrong direction on the streets? I now see it on nearly every street. At night especially it is dangerous. Why does the city not enforce it?
skiyasoon asked 4 months agoGood question! Here's the answer from the Deputy Chief:
Parking enforcement in residential areas is typically only done in response to calls for service. And, complaints that are a safety risk (like moving violations) are prioritized over parking complaints. At night, we typically only have two officers working, so they don’t proactively enforce parking violations.
Thank you to everyone who takes the extra moment to park facing the right direction. -
Is Sumner getting a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), and what if I have concerns about it?
CityofSumner asked 6 months agoThe City did receive a proposal from a BESS. The GreenWater facility proposal came from a company called Bright Night, who is planning to develop this facility on private property in Sumner’s Manufacturing Industrial Center. The owner and developer went through the Pre-Application Process, which the City encourages any large project to do in order to review any impacts, zoning issues or other challenges before a project applies for permits. This project did that pre-application. Over the past few months, the City has put the project through a State Environment Protection Act (SEPA) Process for the full development and a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) process, per our code, for the transmission lines only. These processes involved a lot of both required and proactive engagement to review concerns from the City, from East Pierce Fire & Rescue, from the health department, from neighbors and from the public. Topics reviewed included everything from ensuring drive lanes accommodated the turning radius of a fire engine to assessing this project’s proximity adjacent to one of the City’s wells. You can still review all the topics addressed and assessed.
To ensure concerns were addressed from the public the process included public notices, signs on the site, posts in the City’s e-newsletter and on social media, and postcards mailed to neighboring properties, inviting them to a public information session held on the site. Bright Night also attended the City’s Spring Open House at City Hall to share information and answer questions. Although the formal comment periods have ended, we recognize this is new technology may continue to generate questions. If you have concerns, please do not rely on rumors heard from your neighbor or viewed on social media; instead, please contact Bright Night directly to talk through your concerns and get your questions answered.
Moving forward, the City is updating its code to more clearly specify requirements and process around battery energy storage systems in our commercial and manufacturing areas. They will not be an allowed use in any residential zones.
Will there be any plans to fix the issue of vehicles running the red light and/or blocking the intersection of Hwy 162 and Rivergrove Dr? This is a HUGE issue and happens very regularly. For those that are not aware to wait a few seconds before proceeding to turn when the light turns green coming from the Rivergrove neighborhood, they can easily get hit. Many, many of these vehicles are commercial dump trucks. This morning a Grady truck blocked the intersection going northbound and then 2 seconds later, another commercial vehicle went through the red light going at least 35-40 mph with another smaller commercial vehicle behind it. Sumner PD and companies have been notified of this issue. The light leaving the neighborhood is so long to wait at as it is which makes this very, very frustrating for residents. I saw small cameras mounted to the Do Not Block Intersection signs for maybe less than a week. Will there be plans to fix this issue before a serious accident occurs??????
Twill76 asked 6 months agoThe challenge is that we don't control that light; it's under the jurisdiction of Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). Our Traffic Safety Team, which includes staff from Public Works and Police, shares a lot of the same frustrations you have mentioned for quite awhile. We have reached out repeatedly to WSDOT to ask them to adjust the timing, suggesting that after the lights on SR162 turn red, there should be a couple second delay before the light from Rivergrove turns green. Sometimes, the red-light runners are simply running red lights. We've seen drivers get more aggressive across the region. In other cases, though, a heavy vehicle, like a dump truck, physically can't stop abruptly, and the light settings should account for heavy use by such vehicles. Members of Public Works and Police have repeatedly reached out to WSDOT to no avail. Perhaps if you reach out to them, you'll be able to succeed where we have not. As for enforcement, that also means that Highway 162 is outside Sumner Police Department's jurisdiction and is under Washington State Patrol or Pierce County. While our officers can operate outside our jurisdiction for mutual aid (major collision or incident) or task force patrols, it would not be the most appropriate thing for our staff to purposefully patrol outside our jurisdiction. It's a very awkward circumstance where we don't have jurisdiction on SR 162 but then have it again within the neighborhood.
Recently the street lines were repainted on Rivergrove Dr E but the cross walks weren't. The crosswalk at Rivergrove Dr and 147th Ave consistently is ignored by cars. Any plans to finish the job?
Rivergrove asked 7 months agoEarlier in the year, we contracted Pierce County to repaint the road stripes. We also used a different contractor to redo some crosswalks in the city, but it sounds like this particular one was not on the schedule for this year's repaint. The City’s Public Works crew will take a look at the crosswalk you mention to see if it needs attention sooner.
With all that said, though, a crosswalk exists wherever two roads intersect. This is a good time to remind drivers that you're to yield to pedestrians at all crosswalks, whether there's paint or not. Lots of crosswalks throughout the city have never been painted, yet they exist.
Are there plans to update the lahar warning system. Since it changed it cannot be heard from my neighborhood -
GBauch asked 7 months agoThat's a good question. Those are operated by Pierce County, so they would know any plans for the future. Here's their contact page: We'll try to send your question to them as well. If you haven't already, you may want to also sign up for Pierce County Alert and Sumner Alert. (Links below). Those are intended to buzz your phone, which might get your attention anyway better than a siren, especially in the middle of the night. Sumner Alert includes more local alerts while Pierce County Alert can be useful, especially in a lahar, as we're also trying to evacuate at the same time.
Pierce County Alert:
Sumner Alert:
What happened to the fountains and the engraved plaques/bricks at Heritage Park?
CityofSumner asked about 1 year agoUPDATE: Any remaining plaques have been confirmed as surplus property and will be available for the public to pick up on September 9, 2024. Review more details about this process.
The fountain at the tip of Heritage Park was at the end of its life with ongoing maintenance issues and constant vandalism. The plaques within the fountain were also at the end of their life, brittle, cracked and nearly illegible. See the picture below. The City removed it last year as part of the work to replace/upgrade the utilities under Main Street, Kincaid and Cherry Avenues and to repave with the at-level "woonerf" plaza that connects the park to its adjacent blocks with no curb. This design better allows events to use the space without a tripping hazard and still allows vehicle access on "normal" days while helping slow down drivers in a pedestrian-friendly area.
There were also decorative bricks behind the fountain that people bought to engrave names. Those also had to be removed for the same project. It turns out, they were not installed as full bricks but as decorations that were a fraction of the depth of a real brick. They were also secured really well. In removing both the fountain plaques and the bricks, most bricks and some plaques simply shattered. We documented the names included before the project. Although some of the plaques are in storage, they are in no condition to be put into use again.
Heritage Park is currently in the process of a complete redesign. See the project page for updates and details. This year is the full design process to take the park from conceptual design to construction-ready. Then, we have to find funding for construction. This will take time. We are committed to returning the names to the park as part of the redesign and will find a way to honor the names that were on the plaques and bricks. If you have specific suggestions on what you think that should look like, let us know.
The former fountain had reached its end of life with the plaque inserts cracked, brittle and very difficult to read.
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