Planning Sumner’s Future: The Comprehensive Plan

The 2025 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket

What applications are on the Annual Amendment docket?

Every year, per city code, we allow for annual amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and/or Zoning Code. Comprehensive Plan amendments may be proposed to goals, policies, objectives, or comprehensive plan maps. Amendment applications must be complete and contain the information required in SMC 18.56.147. 

The Planning Commission approved the applications on March 6, 2025 finalizing the 2025 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket

The docket includes 3 map amendment applications and 2 text amendment applications including the Zoning Code and/or the Comprehensive Plan. Each docket item is numbered below based on application type submitted.

  • Docket item (MA-01)-2025 Town Center Plan (TCP) Update: includes minor map amendments, update to the Town Center Plan, amendments to the Town Center Code and incorporates a private Zoning Code Text Amendment application. Town Center Plan (TCP) map changes and associated text amendments include, but not limited to the following:
    • Reducing building heights from 6 stories to 4 stories and adding new transitional light industrial uses along Zehnder Street and 57th Street E.
    • Reducing building heights along portions of Main Street, Cherry Ave & North Street from 5 stories to 4 stories.
    • Amend future street widths and standards; and require a 30-foot step back in story height along collector streets. (See map MA-01, under documents).
    • Incorporate updated policies from the Comprehensive Plan and new polices to support innovation districts in the TCP.
    • Update the Town Center form-based code; amendment include various text changes such as removing repeated uses, adding new uses that serve as a transition between mixed-use commercial and industrial zones and new performance standards to address new uses.
    • Private zoning code text amendment application to allow accessory dwelling units (ADU) for existing multi-family and/or single-family residential uses.
  • Docket item (MA-02)-Rezone on 166th Ave E. Location: 14 parcels on 166th Ave E, located south of Winco & Sunset Ford.
    • Applicant submitted a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment to rezone 7 parcels from Low Density Residential 2 (LDR-2) to Medium Density Residential (MDR). (see MA-02 Applicant Map, under "Documents").
    • The City alternative would rezone 4 parcels to Interchange Commercial (IC) and 10 parcels to MDR, affecting the 19.9 acres in the southeast Urban Growth Area (UGA). (see MA-02 City Alternative Map under "Documents").
  • Docket item (MA-03)-Rezone on 30th Street. Location: 14616 30th Street CT E Sumner, WA 98390 (Parcel A); 14710 30th Street CT E Sumner, WA 98390 (Parcel B).
    • Applicant submitted a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment to rezone one (1) parcel (A) from LDR2 to Light Manufacturing (M-1) and a change in the Zoning Map from LDR-85 to M-1 (see MA-03 Applicant Map under "Documents")
    • The City alternative includes Parcel B, approximately 2.3 acres in size, located adjacent to Parcel A and adjacent to White River. Parcel B is within Shoreline Master Program jurisdiction, designated Urban Conservancy-200 feet. (see MA-03 City Alternative Map under "Documents").
  • Docket item (TA-04): Amend the Comprehensive Plan related to the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District's updated Capital Facilities Plan.

Key to Abbreviations:
MA = Map Amendment - proposed changes to the City Map and/or Comprehensive Plan Map

TA = Text Amendment - proposed policy or text changes in the Comprehensive Plan

ZCTA = Zoning Code Text Amendment - proposed text changes in the Zoning Code

SMC = Sumner Municipal Code - the city has 18 sections o codes called Titles; Title 18 is Zoning

What is the next step in the review process?

The city staff will be reviewing and evaluating impacts of all the proposals through the state environmental review process known as SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act). Each rezone application in the docket will be reviewed for impacts on transportation, housing density, public infrastructure demand, and land use. Application for SEPA is required for text amendments as well.

A Notice of Application will be sent out to all affected property owners with a 15 day public comment period. This webpage will be updated with links to the public notices once they post.

The public has an opportunity to comment on the applications before a SEPA determination is made. During the Notice of Application period, studies will be commissioned and more information obtained as needed to complete environmental review. The city may require mitigation measures to address impacts based on the outcome of the review.

Will there be a public hearing?

Yes, a public hearing will be held by both the Planning Commission and City Council on the amendments. The target date for the Planning Commission Public Hearing is August 2025. Other preliminary meetings will be held with the Planning Commission and City Council prior to the Public Hearing.

What’s the process and estimated timeline?

The estimated timeline for the 2025 Annual Amendments consists of numerous reviews and 2 public hearings:

  • Planning Commission will review the docket and approve the public participation plan, March 6, 2025  [completed]
  • Notice of Applications and SEPA notices will be posted for each proposal that is an approved docket item, April 2025
  • Draft amendment documents will be posted on this page. Note that as amendments are evaluated, additional changes may be made.
  • The Planning Commission holds a public hearing, scheduled for August 2025. This is another opportunity for the public to comment on what's proposed.
  • After the public hearing, the Planning Commission will review public comments and makes a recommendation to the City Council.
  • City Council reviews the recommendations and holds a hearing to take public comment, scheduled for mid-Fall 2025. Council decides on proposals by the end of 2025.
  • The hearings will have a public notice and a public comment period. All dates will be posted on this page.

The 2025 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket

What applications are on the Annual Amendment docket?

Every year, per city code, we allow for annual amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and/or Zoning Code. Comprehensive Plan amendments may be proposed to goals, policies, objectives, or comprehensive plan maps. Amendment applications must be complete and contain the information required in SMC 18.56.147. 

The Planning Commission approved the applications on March 6, 2025 finalizing the 2025 Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendment Docket

The docket includes 3 map amendment applications and 2 text amendment applications including the Zoning Code and/or the Comprehensive Plan. Each docket item is numbered below based on application type submitted.

  • Docket item (MA-01)-2025 Town Center Plan (TCP) Update: includes minor map amendments, update to the Town Center Plan, amendments to the Town Center Code and incorporates a private Zoning Code Text Amendment application. Town Center Plan (TCP) map changes and associated text amendments include, but not limited to the following:
    • Reducing building heights from 6 stories to 4 stories and adding new transitional light industrial uses along Zehnder Street and 57th Street E.
    • Reducing building heights along portions of Main Street, Cherry Ave & North Street from 5 stories to 4 stories.
    • Amend future street widths and standards; and require a 30-foot step back in story height along collector streets. (See map MA-01, under documents).
    • Incorporate updated policies from the Comprehensive Plan and new polices to support innovation districts in the TCP.
    • Update the Town Center form-based code; amendment include various text changes such as removing repeated uses, adding new uses that serve as a transition between mixed-use commercial and industrial zones and new performance standards to address new uses.
    • Private zoning code text amendment application to allow accessory dwelling units (ADU) for existing multi-family and/or single-family residential uses.
  • Docket item (MA-02)-Rezone on 166th Ave E. Location: 14 parcels on 166th Ave E, located south of Winco & Sunset Ford.
    • Applicant submitted a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment to rezone 7 parcels from Low Density Residential 2 (LDR-2) to Medium Density Residential (MDR). (see MA-02 Applicant Map, under "Documents").
    • The City alternative would rezone 4 parcels to Interchange Commercial (IC) and 10 parcels to MDR, affecting the 19.9 acres in the southeast Urban Growth Area (UGA). (see MA-02 City Alternative Map under "Documents").
  • Docket item (MA-03)-Rezone on 30th Street. Location: 14616 30th Street CT E Sumner, WA 98390 (Parcel A); 14710 30th Street CT E Sumner, WA 98390 (Parcel B).
    • Applicant submitted a Comprehensive Plan Map amendment to rezone one (1) parcel (A) from LDR2 to Light Manufacturing (M-1) and a change in the Zoning Map from LDR-85 to M-1 (see MA-03 Applicant Map under "Documents")
    • The City alternative includes Parcel B, approximately 2.3 acres in size, located adjacent to Parcel A and adjacent to White River. Parcel B is within Shoreline Master Program jurisdiction, designated Urban Conservancy-200 feet. (see MA-03 City Alternative Map under "Documents").
  • Docket item (TA-04): Amend the Comprehensive Plan related to the Sumner-Bonney Lake School District's updated Capital Facilities Plan.

Key to Abbreviations:
MA = Map Amendment - proposed changes to the City Map and/or Comprehensive Plan Map

TA = Text Amendment - proposed policy or text changes in the Comprehensive Plan

ZCTA = Zoning Code Text Amendment - proposed text changes in the Zoning Code

SMC = Sumner Municipal Code - the city has 18 sections o codes called Titles; Title 18 is Zoning

What is the next step in the review process?

The city staff will be reviewing and evaluating impacts of all the proposals through the state environmental review process known as SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act). Each rezone application in the docket will be reviewed for impacts on transportation, housing density, public infrastructure demand, and land use. Application for SEPA is required for text amendments as well.

A Notice of Application will be sent out to all affected property owners with a 15 day public comment period. This webpage will be updated with links to the public notices once they post.

The public has an opportunity to comment on the applications before a SEPA determination is made. During the Notice of Application period, studies will be commissioned and more information obtained as needed to complete environmental review. The city may require mitigation measures to address impacts based on the outcome of the review.

Will there be a public hearing?

Yes, a public hearing will be held by both the Planning Commission and City Council on the amendments. The target date for the Planning Commission Public Hearing is August 2025. Other preliminary meetings will be held with the Planning Commission and City Council prior to the Public Hearing.

What’s the process and estimated timeline?

The estimated timeline for the 2025 Annual Amendments consists of numerous reviews and 2 public hearings:

  • Planning Commission will review the docket and approve the public participation plan, March 6, 2025  [completed]
  • Notice of Applications and SEPA notices will be posted for each proposal that is an approved docket item, April 2025
  • Draft amendment documents will be posted on this page. Note that as amendments are evaluated, additional changes may be made.
  • The Planning Commission holds a public hearing, scheduled for August 2025. This is another opportunity for the public to comment on what's proposed.
  • After the public hearing, the Planning Commission will review public comments and makes a recommendation to the City Council.
  • City Council reviews the recommendations and holds a hearing to take public comment, scheduled for mid-Fall 2025. Council decides on proposals by the end of 2025.
  • The hearings will have a public notice and a public comment period. All dates will be posted on this page.

Page last updated: 18 Mar 2025, 02:44 PM