New Operations Facility

We're building a new City Operations Facility that supports the people and equipment for Public Works and Parks to keep our roads, utilities, public lands and more in good shape. Built in 2001, the existing City Shops facility has been out-grown for a long time. Because it’s located along the river, the current site does not have room to expand. It’s time to move.

Located on 29th Street, just off 142nd Avenue, the new facility sits between warehouses and residential homes. It serves as a noise and visual buffer between these two rather different neighbors. Visually, the architects connected the gabled roof lines of historic residential farmhouses with the flat-roofed, streamlined design of modern warehouses. Pergolas and exposed beams echo Sumner’s past industries, especially lumber, while sleeker new siding and finishes keep the new buildings fresh and modern.

The layout is all about connections too. Storage of materials like gravel and sand go closest to the residential border while staff parking and higher traffic uses stay on the side bordering warehouses. A high wall and green space also buffer the facility from the residential neighborhood. Sidewalk improvements add connections, filling in the missing sidewalk on 29th Street E, and connecting new amenities around the 24th Street interchange plus the Sumner Link Trail. Most importantly, this facility connects easily to the rest of the city, giving Public Works & Parks good access to quickly respond to water and sewer issues, plow and sweep streets, replace down street signs, etc.

Review our FAQ's (to the right) for common questions and more details. There are also questions and answers below asked by you, the public. If you don't see what you're wondering, ask!

The new Operations Facility project is expected to go to bid in Quarter 1 2024 and includes construction of a new public works facility with approximately 88,000 sf of total building space over 7 buildings on a 7.6 Acre site at 14320 29th Street East. The new Operations Facility will include an administration building, vehicle storage, fleet washing, material storage and a decant facility. The project will include frontage improvements, landscaping, site lighting and stormwater management.

We're building a new City Operations Facility that supports the people and equipment for Public Works and Parks to keep our roads, utilities, public lands and more in good shape. Built in 2001, the existing City Shops facility has been out-grown for a long time. Because it’s located along the river, the current site does not have room to expand. It’s time to move.

Located on 29th Street, just off 142nd Avenue, the new facility sits between warehouses and residential homes. It serves as a noise and visual buffer between these two rather different neighbors. Visually, the architects connected the gabled roof lines of historic residential farmhouses with the flat-roofed, streamlined design of modern warehouses. Pergolas and exposed beams echo Sumner’s past industries, especially lumber, while sleeker new siding and finishes keep the new buildings fresh and modern.

The layout is all about connections too. Storage of materials like gravel and sand go closest to the residential border while staff parking and higher traffic uses stay on the side bordering warehouses. A high wall and green space also buffer the facility from the residential neighborhood. Sidewalk improvements add connections, filling in the missing sidewalk on 29th Street E, and connecting new amenities around the 24th Street interchange plus the Sumner Link Trail. Most importantly, this facility connects easily to the rest of the city, giving Public Works & Parks good access to quickly respond to water and sewer issues, plow and sweep streets, replace down street signs, etc.

Review our FAQ's (to the right) for common questions and more details. There are also questions and answers below asked by you, the public. If you don't see what you're wondering, ask!

The new Operations Facility project is expected to go to bid in Quarter 1 2024 and includes construction of a new public works facility with approximately 88,000 sf of total building space over 7 buildings on a 7.6 Acre site at 14320 29th Street East. The new Operations Facility will include an administration building, vehicle storage, fleet washing, material storage and a decant facility. The project will include frontage improvements, landscaping, site lighting and stormwater management.

  • Operations Facility Groundbreaking Celebration

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    The City of Sumner will be hosting a public Groundbreaking Celebration for the new Operations Facility on Monday March 3rd, 2025 at 4:00pm at 14320 29th St E.

  • Operations Facility Phase 3 Bidding

    Operations Facility Phase 3, the project on the south side of 29th St E for the main site, is advertising for construction bids on October 16th, 2024. There will be a pre-bid meeting at City Hall on October 30th, 2024 at 2:00 PM and bid opening is scheduled for Tuesday, November 19th, 2024 at City Hall. See the City's page for the Invitation to Bid. Register as a plan holder on the Bonfire page to receive Addendums during the bid period.

  • 10/12/2023 Construction Update

    The City's contractor, Rodarte Construction, Inc., has started the Early Work project. The Early Work project includes abatement and demolition of the existing buildings, tree removal, preload of the whole site, and storm drainage improvements.

    Preload of the site will start on Monday, October 23rd, 2023 and will involve bringing in 37,000 cubic yards (cy) of dirt to load the project site to compact the soils prior to the upcoming building construction. This is a lot of dirt to be bringing to the site. The Contractor is planning on approximately 14 trucks per hour coming to the project site to deliver dirt within the work hours of 7 am to 3:30 pm, Monday through Friday. This activity of bringing dirt to the site is expected to take approximately 5 weeks, or through November. The traffic impacts are expected to decrease after this trucking activity. When the preloading work starts, the Contractor will be vibrating to achieve the required compaction. You will likely feel the vibration and hear construction noise (equipment moving, dump trucks dumping dirt, trucks beeping while backing up, etc.) nearby. While the vibration may be perceptible at nearby properties, it is not expected to be harmful to existing structures.

Page last updated: 03 Mar 2025, 01:33 PM