Cannery Way Bridge
After serving over 91 years, the former Bridge Street bridge was at the end of its service life. A replacement bridge is being built and will include two vehicular lanes, bicycle lanes, wide pedestrian sidewalks, lanterns and overhead catenary lighting and a new setting for safe crossing over the White River.
After serving over 91 years, the former Bridge Street bridge was at the end of its service life. A replacement bridge is being built and will include two vehicular lanes, bicycle lanes, wide pedestrian sidewalks, lanterns and overhead catenary lighting and a new setting for safe crossing over the White River.
Life Cycle
Cannery Way Bridge has finished this stagePrevious bridge was the third bridge in this area to serve this crossing. By the end of its life, it had a safety rating of 7 out of 100.
2012 - Raise Funds
Cannery Way Bridge has finished this stageCity actively seeks funding to replace the bridge.Load limit of 12 tons installed on current bridge to extend its life. -
Cannery Way Bridge has finished this stageCity receives a $9.6 million grant from Federal Bridge Advisory Replacement Committee to fund the new bridge.City goes out to bid for design of new bridge. -
2013-2016 - Design & placement
Cannery Way Bridge has finished this stage- Selected BergerABAM for design.
- Worked with the City Council, The Old Cannery and the Sumner Arts Commission to finalize a design.
- Obtaining right-of-way for new placement involves researching all the way back to original land claim deeds.
- Selected BergerABAM for design.
June 20, 2017 Groundbreaking
Cannery Way Bridge has finished this stage
January 2018 - Girders placed for new bridge
Cannery Way Bridge has finished this stage -
May 2018 - Pouring the bridge deck
Cannery Way Bridge has finished this stage -
October 2018 - Traffic uses new bridge
Cannery Way Bridge has finished this stageThe new bridge is 75% done and starts taking traffic for the first time. The old bridge is now the property of the contractors, who begin to prepare it for its move out of place.
December 2018 - Old Bridge lifted out of place
Cannery Way Bridge has finished this stageIn 11 hours, the old bridge was lifted out of its place, nearly 91 years to the day after it began its service.
2018-2019 Final Construction
Cannery Way Bridge has finished this stageCrews continue to build the final 25% of the bridge including its northern-most section and all the decorative elements.
October 5, 2019
Cannery Way Bridge has finished this stage
Come Walk With Me event returns to the new bridge. -
October 9, 2019
Cannery Way Bridge is currently at this stageCompletion of project, ribbon-cutting
November 30, 2019
this is an upcoming stage for Cannery Way BridgeBridge Lighting returns to the new bridge.
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