166th Avenue E/SR 410 Interchange

The Challenge

The State Route 410/166th Avenue interchange is a congested mess. Originally built in the early 1970s, this interchange serves regional commuters cutting through Sumner to avoid the SR 167 congestion and thousands of vehicles trying to access busy commercial areas. Beyond the usual congestion found at so many regional interchanges/routes, the issue here is a completely unsafe intersection control situation for drivers, as well as a complete lack of pedestrian facilities and a small, buried culvert that prevents fish from continuing to access habitat in Salmon Creek.


  • Widen the remaining two-lane stretch of 166th Avenue to eliminate the bottleneck just north of the existing SR410 interchange.
  • Design and construct two roundabouts at SR410 Westbound on/off ramp and at 64th Street to reduce congestion and improve safety.
  • Replace an existing undersized culvert with a new fish-passage culvert to carry Salmon Creek across the existing intersection at 166th Avenue and 64th Street. Daylight a portion of stream channel to improve salmon habitat.

The Challenge

The State Route 410/166th Avenue interchange is a congested mess. Originally built in the early 1970s, this interchange serves regional commuters cutting through Sumner to avoid the SR 167 congestion and thousands of vehicles trying to access busy commercial areas. Beyond the usual congestion found at so many regional interchanges/routes, the issue here is a completely unsafe intersection control situation for drivers, as well as a complete lack of pedestrian facilities and a small, buried culvert that prevents fish from continuing to access habitat in Salmon Creek.


  • Widen the remaining two-lane stretch of 166th Avenue to eliminate the bottleneck just north of the existing SR410 interchange.
  • Design and construct two roundabouts at SR410 Westbound on/off ramp and at 64th Street to reduce congestion and improve safety.
  • Replace an existing undersized culvert with a new fish-passage culvert to carry Salmon Creek across the existing intersection at 166th Avenue and 64th Street. Daylight a portion of stream channel to improve salmon habitat.

  • Right-of-Way Acquisition Phase funded with Federal and Local funds

    Exciting news! The project was awarded $2,249,000 in federal funds to complete all needed property acquisitions, along with $600,000 in local funds. The projects design and right-of-way phases are currently funded. Now, the focus turns to seeking funds for construction, which is a significant task.

  • Transferred Funds Part of 2022 State Transportation Package

    Thanks to ours state legislators, the 166th project received an additional $500,000 in funds to support the design of this critical project! These funds were originally appropriated to the SR 410/Traffic Avenue bridge project, but those funds were unused by that project. So delighted to be able to use these funds on another Sumner project!

  • 166th Avenue Project included of the 2021 Sumner Washington State Legislative Agenda

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.
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    The 166th Ave E/ SR410 Interchange project is part of Sumner's 2021 Legislative Agenda. This document is produced for lawmakers looking to local municipal governments to understand their needs and priorities. Funding complete Final Design and Right-of-Way acquisitions would greatly benefit residents of Sumner and other users within the region. Check out the entire Sumner legislative agenda here:

    2021 Sumner Legislative Agenda

  • 166th Project Awarded Port of Tacoma Grant

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    In 2020, Sumner was awarded a $25,000 grant through the Port of Tacoma Local Economic Development Fund to support the project design phase. These funds will be spent directly on transportation-related design expenses to help the City advance the project through the preliminary design process. A big "Thank You" to the Port in supporting this important regional project!

  • Design Features Double Roundabout

    Some people love them; others hate them.No matter your feelings regarding roundabouts, engineers studied our challenging intersections at 166th Avenue and SR 410 and found that a double roundabout is the best solution.

    The issue here is that the SR 410 ramps are too close to the 166th Avenue/64th Street intersection for a traditional signal in both locations, yet both need a controlled intersection. The solution is a double roundabout that gets drivers to SR 410, 166th Avenue, Sumner-Tapps Highway and 64th Street in the most efficient and safest way possible.

    This is Sumner’s first roundabout, let alone its first double roundabout. We have funding for design
    only, not construction, so you won’t see this being built yet.

  • 2020 Legislative Agenda and Conceptual Project Development

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The 166th Widening project is at the top of the 2020 Sumner Legislative Agenda! The City is seeking $2.5 Million to fund design and right-of-way improvements for the project.

    During 2019, Sumner hired a consultant and been working with WSDOT to finalize a conceptual design. The project team is targeting a final approved conceptual design in the first half of 2020.

    Sumner's 2020 Legislative Agenda

  • Interchange Story on Q13

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    Q13 features interchange issues. While you generally do not like to hear your city's name combined with the words "traffic nightmare," hopefully such coverage helps lead to funding and solutions for this State-owned interchange.

    Click here to watch the story online.

  • 166th /SR 410 Interchange Featured at City of Sumner Open House

    CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

    The 166th project is being showcased at the City of Sumner Open House! Share your stories about congestion at the location and how traffic at this location impacts your life.

  • The News Tribune features 166th

    May 30, 2019 - The News Tribune featured an article about the 166th interchange. Click here to read online.

    The News Tribune feature of 166th

Page last updated: 06 Feb 2025, 12:58 PM